Spring Cleaning from the Inside Out

Oftentimes, the suggestion of the need to cleanse is discounted as unnecessary because “the body knows what it needs to accomplish and can take care of such matters.” If that were true, then there would not be as much chronic disease and illness as there is happening all around us, more so than a century ago.

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Charlene Causey
Listen to your Body; then Trust your Intuition

From the mid nineteenth century into the early twentieth century a dramatic shift occurred

in the field of medicine. A different standard of care emerged to treat illness and disease. The

advent of pharmaceutical drugs, chemically derived in laboratories, became a new approach to


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Charlene Causey
Navigate the Holidays with no Dietary Hangover

Here it is once again; the most wonderful time of the year! That time of year with family reunions, happy celebrations and lavish parties heralding the arrival of a newborn King and a brand new year. Additionally, for some, the holidays bring difficult memories and emotional eating concerns.

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Charlene Causey
What is Your Biological Age?

As we age there are indicators that suggest what our future quality of life will be. Age is represented from two perspectives; one is the chronological age and the other is biological age. Chronological age is the age we are in years based on the date we were born. Biological age is the age of the body as measured by a variety of factors. The biological age may, hopefully, be younger than the chronological age, but also, may be older than the chronological age.

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Born to Dance

Way before I ever tried on my first pair of ballet slippers, I dreamed of being a ballet dancer. I longed for the opportunity to stand at the barre to do my plies` and tendus and grand battements. Because my mother was a single working mom, and my grandmother did not drive, ballet lessons were not on my schedule. Funny, how when my mom wanted me to take guitar lessons, she found the time to make it happen. Her love for playing stringed instruments translated to living vicariously through me. Nevertheless, due to circumstances beyond my control, I did not begin to realize my elusive dream until I got my driver’s license and headed straight to my already chosen dance studio to begin the journey.

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Raising the Barre

Over the last ten years, The Ballet Barre Workout has become popular on both coasts and places in between, including Colorado Springs. This fitness discipline started in the 1950’s with the Lotte Berk Method. Since then, there have been many variations all presented with an emphasis on ballet technique. I am excited to share with you that I am raising something new in our lovely city. Pueblo’s premier Ballet Body Barre Studio has opened its doors to anyone interested in strengthening, shaping and sculpting a better image.

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